......... Demographics

Your (Pseudo is OK) Name: City (optional): State/Province:(US,Canada only)
Country (required): Your Email (optional): Your Age:
......... Cast and Crutch Preferences

Favourite Leg Cast: and it should be made of: and for (fibreglass) colour should be:
Do you like both legs casted: If not, which leg should it be:
Other leg or second favourite cast is: and it should be made of: and for (fibreglass) colour should be:
Walking casts should have: For cast heel should it be: and placed:
Should cast heel stick out or be hidden:
Should cast extend higher than the leg: Other casts besides leg: Is amputee pretending desired:
Should the cast be: Hosiery worn over cast:
What kind of crutches:

......... Model Features
Model Age: Model Ethnicity: Model Ethnicity (2nd choice):
Model Height: Model Hair Colour: Model Hair Length:
new: Tattoos (Piercings): Any other model features:

......... Costumes
Dresses: Favourite Style: Second Favourite: Third Favourite:
Skirts: Favourite Style: Second Favourite: Third Favourite:
Lingerie: Hosiery: Specialty Costumes: Costume Period:
Footwear: Heel Height: Heel Style: Shoe Toes:
Shoe Style: Any other costume details:
......... Activities
Genres Wanted: Genres NOT Wanted: Mobility:
new: Show accident: Anything else to add:

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Users cannot make changes once their entry has been added. If you have made a mistake, email us and we will make the necessary corrections.

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